Hosted by Maren S. Swensen PhD CMHC
February 7th
from 6:00pm-7:30pm
$50-including all materials for two paintings
Guided mental health creative painting
Healing, coping skills, and processing
The Counseling Center
1544 Woodland Park Dr #320
Layton, Utah
Have you ever wanted to learn how to use art as a coping skill? Are you afraid to try because you are not an “artist”? Come work with Dr. Maren S. Swensen, PhD CMHC, who has been trained in Expressive Arts Therapy, to learn about using art to express feelings, deal with trauma, and cope with stress. You do not need to be an artist. This is not about skill or talent, it is about healing and comfort. If you are interested, contact the front desk to sign up at 801-934-3373. The cost will include all supplies for two paintings.