Kaysville Couples Therapy & Counseling

In Kaysville couples therapy, you and your significant other meet with a trained couples therapist, as receiving therapy as a couple has several benefits.

Kaysville Couples Therapy & Counseling

In couples therapy, you and your significant other meet with a trained couples therapist. Receiving therapy as a couple has several benefits. It can help you better understand how you feel about your relationship. It can also help you resolve issues and deepen your connection to your significant other. Couples therapy not only benefits the couple but can also contribute to individual growth.

Types of couples therapy in Kaysville by The Counseling Center:

Emotionally Focused Therapy – EFT is built on the idea that people naturally seek relationships for safety and comfort and follow patterns of relationship behavior learned in childhood in their relationships with their partner. In EFT, the therapist helps couples examine their patterns so they can more effectively support and comfort one another.

Imago Relationship Therapy – focuses on the connection between childhood experiences and adult relationships, helping to members of the couple to accept each other for who they are in the present and find a more harmonious and satisfying connection.

The Gottman Method – data-driven approach to couples therapy that’s had a profound influence on decades of practice. This method focuses on helping the couple cut down on behaviors that have been shown to lead to divorce and helps them build a relationship based on shared hopes and values.

Narrative Therapy – highlights and exposes the stories couples use to make sense of their world and the relationship. A narrative therapist helps the couple to re-examine, add to and change the narratives that lead to difficulty in the relationship.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – CBT, common form of therapy for individuals as well as couples focusing on how thoughts influence behaviors. With its roots in the early 20th century and wide adoption by mental health workers, CBT is backed by extensive research. CBT in couples therapy focuses on identifying and challenging thought patterns that lead to difficulties in relationships.

Solution Focused Therapy – SFT purpose-driven therapy where couples come to therapy with a narrowly defined problem they work with the therapist to resolve.

Discernment Counseling – viewed as a therapy of last resort. It’s meant for couples who don’t know if they should split up or stay together.

At The Counseling Center we utilize Kaysville couples therapy and counseling  and provide treatment for the surrounding area.

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